"As part of a multi vet farm animal team based in Central Scotland, we have always performed quite a lot of farm animal surgery (especially cattle and sheep caesarians). We started to use polyglactin sutures rather than catgut over 15 years ago due to better clinical outcomes regarding post-operative fertility. We initially used this from a reel but when we were given the opportunity to try the Silverglide version with a swaged needle, I decided to give it a try despite being initially sceptical (as most older farm vets are). However, when I and the rest of my team tried Silverglide we were all very impressed with the ease of use, tying ability, and sharpness of needles.The fact that it is swaged on is a godsend when in the middle of an operation at 2am, as you are not trying to thread a needle in the semi-dark! The bonus for us was that we realised that they actually worked out cheaper than our previous solution as we had less waste and no cassettes going out of date or perishing after opening. I also have a son who is a practising farm vet and he has converted the practices where he has worked to Silverglide after he brought it in for his own use and showed his colleagues the benefits. All in all, a positive advance for a practising farm vet."
Merlin Vet Export Ltd